Physiotherapist, Cert. MDT
Portrait of Denise Léger

Introducing Denise!

Born and raised in Shediac, Denise is the owner of Physiotherapy Shediac and Physiotherapy Cap-Pelé.

Passionate about wellness and helping others, she started her business in 1991 after obtaining a pre-medical degree from Université de Moncton and a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy from Université Laval.

Throughout her career, Denise has acquired numerous credentials in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (McKenzie Method), Global Postural Re-education, and Acupuncture (through the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute). She is also certified in concussion management.

In addition to having taken numerous training courses, she is particularly passionate about chronic pain and its treatments. She is driven by a desire to help people and continually advocates exercise as a medication to assist in pain treatment.

In her spare time, Denise enjoys spending time with her family, playing tennis and reading.

Persisting pain? Benefit from Denise's expertise